The Author : Ahmad Fuadi
Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Year : 2010
Page Total : 424 pages
This novel is contemporary religious novel with education theme. Negeri 5 Menara novel is the first of a trilogy series by Ahmad Fuadi. In general, the author tells the story of five young men who was studied at islamic boarding school Pondok Madani or PM. The fifth main character are Alif Fikri from Padang, Atang from Bandung, Raja dari Medan, Dulmajid from Sumenep, Said from Mojokerto , and the last Baso from Gowa in South Sulawesi. These five students life together in Pondok Madani and make some group named shohibul menara. Shohibul is from Arabic word means the owner, and menara is tower. Then, the mean of their group is the owner of tower.
In the beginning, the figure Alif wants to be a like BJ Habibie. He wished to study at high school Bukittinggi to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, his mother does not allow it. Alif he wanted to be a preacher or religious leader so he thinks send her to boarding school. She wants that Alif become an ustadz or religious leaders. At first, Alif so shocked after heard what his mother wants, because he will lifes in the boarding school and also obeys the regulations. But after that he obeys what his mother wants to study in Pondok Madani. But as time goes by, he joined it with his friends in Pondok Madani. All of them believe in a magic words: Man Jadda Wajada the means who do his job earnestly he will succed.
According to some observers, the author of the novel Negeri 5 Menara successfully to describe a modern atmosphere in the boarding schools that have been considered old-fashioned, stiff and uninteresting. The view about Pondok (Islamic Boarding School) that only teach religious subject . In this novel he shows the modern side Islamic boarding school by telling the student study about art, language and also speak English and Arabic in their daily activities that can not be tolerated. The authors also assessed intelligent he gives the humor side that made this heavy novel humor nice for read.
This novel changes the paradigm of Islamic boarding school world and motivation novel as Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. Negeri 5 Menara as Best Seller and was appointed to films in 2012. This novel is recommended for anyone who was in the process of realizing their dreams.
Shohibul Menara
One of the scene in negeri 5 menara movie