Jun 10, 2013

Raditya Dika's Biography

The young man with full name Dika Angkasaputra Moerwani was born in jakarta, 28 of December, 1984. This 29 years old man was usually called Radith. He is well-known as a humorous books writer.  the writings is actually from his own blog that's finally published. his first book titled "Kambing Jantan" was become best seller. the book tells about the story of Dikung (Raditya Dika) when he studied in Australia. he is very popular with his writings that has unique style. the "gaul" style of languge used by him in writing makes him relished by young generation. 

Radit's writings

1. Kambing Jantan(diary of a fool student). the format of the book writing is like a diary. it tells about the story of Radith, an Indonesian who study in Adelaide, Australia. it was firstly written in his own blog.
2. Cinta Brontosaurus. this book was published in 2006. similar with his previous book, it's more like the diary of Radith. it was told in the story about the love story of Radith that always unlucky. however, this story was not written in a book but a short story. 
3. Radikus Makan Kakus: Bukan Binatang Biasa. it was published on 29 of Agustus, 2007. it tells about the diary of Radith too who always in bad luck.
4. Babi Ngesot: Datang tak Diundang pulang tak berkutang. it was published on April, 2008. 
5. Marmut Merah Jambu that published in 2010.
6. Manusia Setengah Salmon that published in 2011.  

Radit's Experience

Radith started to write his diary on a blog when he won Online Inspiring Award 2009 from Indosat. from that experience, he published his writing in his own blog and proposed them to some publishing office. Gagasmedia was the first publisher that accept the proposal of Radit. according to him, to become a great writter we must be innovative. that's why he used different style in writing. 


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